With every component to the interior van build, materials becomes a major feature. Each van displays different curtain fabrics, wood trim, kingboard furniture, and powder coated aluminum accents. Below we have the companies we trust to supply us with those materials, as well as some of our most popular material choices.
Signature HardWood
With a lot of possible variations, the best way to choose materials is to see how they look on a finished van. Below are a few hardwood options from some of our previous builds.
Exotic Alternatives
Composite Materials
Kingboard is a dense, durable, synthetic material with an impermeable surface that makes cleaning an ease. They provide us with eight different colors.
As a premium product, Richlite is a sustainable, durable, finish material. It can be used as a substitute for a signature wood or Kingboard. With a few options, they are all made from layers of recycled paper. Each layer can be a different color, making the cut edges of each finished piece pop even more.
Walls & Ceiling
We often use foam and fabric to cover the walls and ceiling, or we can install tongue and groove. Fabric is sewn into curtains for each van as well as covers for mattresses and cushions. With multiple fabric choices to make there are lots of options, the only stipulation becomes what is available. Check out our fabric supplier, Rex Pegg Fabrics, to see what they have in stock.
Powder Coating
With the premium option to powder coat all the aluminum frames, it is standard for us to powder coat any exposed aluminum. As a locally based company, we work with as many other small, local companies as we can. Cutthroat MFG takes care of all our powder coating needs.